Construction for the new, state-of-the-art Health & Wellness Center for Law Enforcement Health Benefits (LEHB) was recently completed by P. Agnes. LEHB is a non-profit organization that manages the health insurance program for the Philadelphia Police Department and the Police union. The new Health & Wellness Center is a welcoming new space for members to receive fitness training, behavioral, and dietary counseling.

Located at Grant Avenue and Roosevelt Boulevard in Northeast Philadelphia, the site is an elongated rectangular configuration with approximately 475 ft of frontage on Roosevelt Boulevard and a depth of 102 ft. The location is ideally positioned for members as many reside in the north and northeast portion of the City.

The project included the demolition of an existing building, and design developed around LEHB’s needs. The demolition took place in the summer of 2019, and in January 2020, P. Agnes started construction on the project. Sitework featured underground storm tank basins, a new asphalt parking lot, sidewalks, curbing, and site utilities. The exterior facades consisted of ultra-high-performance concrete panels with aluminum batten fins, veneer brick and a combination of glass and glazing systems including curtainwall, storefronts and window units. 

Construction for the 22,000 sq ft, two-story building, that was design by JacobsWyper Architects, was completed in January 2021. The lobby features wood wallcoverings, polished concrete, and tiles. The first floor of the center includes an aerobics room, cardio, weight training, and two bathrooms/locker rooms. A large, Philadelphia-themed mural was painted in the training room. The second floor is a mini clinic for Temple Health and includes five exam rooms, a conference room, demonstration kitchen with food prep appliances, offices, and counseling rooms.



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