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On Thursday, February 20, a key milestone was reached when the final steel beam was installed for the new, 7-floor Jefferson Health Patient Tower Project in Washington Township, NJ. 
A ceremony was held, which featured speakers from the leadership at Jefferson New Jersey as well as several public officials. Speakers included Jefferson Health New Jersey President Joseph Devine, Thomas Jefferson University President and Jefferson Health CEO Dr. Stephen Klasko, Trustee and donor John SIlvestri, NJ Senate President Stephen Sweeney, and Washington Township Mayor Joann Gattinelli.
This building, name the Silvestri tower after donor John Silvestri, will feature 90 private rooms, a modern café and cafeteria with outdoor dining, a new same-day surgery/recovery room, and new admission and pre-admission testing space. Shell space is also being created for potential expansion of radiology services and 30 additional patient rooms. CallisonRTKL is the architect on this project.

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